Lines Encircling the Sun
The Goldmark Cultural Center’s Norman Brown Gallery is proud to present “Lines Encircling the Sun”, an exhibition of new sculpture and installation works by artists Alex Ferrante and Brynn Higgins-Stirrup.
The exhibition is on display from 10 March to 4 April, 2025. An artist talk and reception will take place on Saturday, 22 March, from 1pm - 3pm, during the Spring Art Walk at the Goldmark Cultural Center. The reception is an ideal opportunity to meet the artists and learn from them about their artwork and exhibition.

About the Exhibition
Lines Encircling the Sun is the result of collaborative material explorations, visual play and conversations between artists Alex Ferrante and Brynn Higgins-Stirrup. The exhibition manifests from processes of collecting and reimagining created, found and generated images and objects of the natural world - from Charles Darwin’s diagrams of plants movements following the sun to the tracings of glitched AI generated butterflies.
We reflect on a natural world that is home to biological and synthetic processes so complex and intertwined that they edge towards a present imperceptibility. We are interested in teasing out how the integration of the natural world and our own human making, entangles us in questions of authenticity and authorship. Through the lens of landscape we employ processes of mold- making, digital drawing, ceramic inlay and video projection to produce and reproduce our own un/natural world. A diorama of questioning and a ground for our desire to know the world that we live within.
About the Artists
Brynn Higgins-Stirrup
Brynn Higgins-Stirrup is an interdisciplinary artist with a focus on drawing and an Assistant Professor of Instruction at the University of Texas at Dallas. Currently, she is exploring the history of mapping and diagramming processes where they intersect with spiritual, emotional and unknowable worlds. Brynn grew up and became an artist in rural Canada and has traveled widely to study, create art, complete research and teach, from working with papermakers in Japan to printmakers and biodynamic farmers in India.
Brynn completed her MFA in Visual Art at the University of Michigan in 2018, where her thesis work focused on the intertwined relationships between embodiment, process, and knowledge through the lens of feminist epistemology and scientific drawing and painting practices.
She has an active record of exhibiting and publishing internationally on this subject, including Figure Drawn, a solo exhibition and accompanying publication presented by Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts in Qatar in 2022, An Index of Longing, a research paper published on her recent work in Drawing: Research, Theory, and Practice, an academic journal based in the United Kingdom and the exhibition Diorama for an Exhibition with Serendipity Festival in Goa, India in 2024.
Alex Ferrante
Alex is a Professor of Art at Dallas College. He was a Visiting Assistant Professor of Art at the University of Toledo in Toledo, Ohio, from 2022-2023 and the John Hirschi Family Resident Artist and Teaching Fellow at Midwestern State University in Wichita Falls, Texas from 2021- 2022. He was the recipient of the Zeldin Fellowship from The Clay Studio in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he was an artist in residence from 2019-2021.
Alex’s practice pivots around a central question, how has landscape, a representation of that which is exterior to ourselves, informed the creation of the human subject? By examining Western depictions of landscape, its parables and myths, he aims to dismantle and reimagine culturally inherited relationships between the outside world and the human body.
Alex holds an MFA in Studio Practices from the University of Colorado at Boulder. He attended art and philosophy seminars and workshops at the American Academy in Rome and Anderson Ranch. He has exhibited across the United States and internationally at galleries and museums such as San Angelo Museum of Art, South Texas Museum of Art, McDonough Museum of Art, University of Colorado Boulder Museum of Art, The Clay Studio, Millersville University, Living Arts, and Singapore Art Museum.