Consider joining us in October for one or more of our Community Art Project days. The focus this month is on epoxy resin furniture design.
On Thursday 10/8, Saturday 10/17, and Thursday 10/22, we will be meeting from 12:30pm - 2:30 pm on the first floor of Building 14001 for a series of hands-on workshops on this subject, led by Larry Garcia. Show up on time so you don't miss any of the instructions!
On each workshop date, you will learn about the different properties and applications of art epoxy and be able to participate in an epoxy resin pour on a wooden bench. Each workshop date will feature a different decorative design technique (either a marbling pattern or a wave pattern) and different types of materials, so it will be worthwhile to attend as many dates as you can. The completed benches produced from the workshop will be placed in the central hallways of each floor at the Cultural Center for long term display and use.
The epoxy resin that will be used is non-toxic, but we will need to hold the workshop indoors in order to limit dust and dirt exposure for the epoxy curing process, so be prepared to bring a face covering. Latex gloves will be provided.
If you have not attended one yet, the Community Art Project days are a great way to meet other Goldmark artists and experiment with techniques and mediums that you might otherwise not encounter in your usual line of work.